presented by YTK sports communication NPO.
「Dancer's plus」に、YTKのトレーナー大野裕二のブログ


どの瞬間も美しく Be beautiful in any moment.

Maria Khorevaさんくらいのレベルになると、踊りの中のどの瞬間を切り取っても美しく、絵になります。試しに上の動画の所々で一時停止してみてください。

The dance of the high revel ballerina like Miss Maria Khoreva is beautiful and picturesque even if capture any moment. Try pausing the video above at any point.
Because they are doing try and error and hone a skill every day to make a beautiful and picturesque any time by bar lesson like video under.  
You should do steady practice like it with a task without slacking off. 


世界と価値観を広げよう Why don't you expand your values and world ?


This is the Pas des Deux by the two people who is not European race.
Probably old school and conservative person can't approve that, because the origin of Ballet is Europe.
But If it don't, it is said "Is the conservative thinking good for artist ?" So the art world has become a place where diversity has no choice but to be accepted.  Diversity seems to be progressing in that world.  
We want to have a heart that can approve "good things is absolutely good" overcoming Race, Country, Culture, Religion, and other, ain't you ?