presented by YTK sports communication NPO.
「Dancer's plus」に、YTKのトレーナー大野裕二のブログ


3歩進んで2歩下がったって上出来です It's better even if you move on 3 steps and fall back 2 steps.

ソーシャル・ダンスってこういうんでしたっけ? ここまで進化してくるには、保守的な人達の抵抗もあったのではないかと思いますが、彼らは成し遂げたんですね。

It's so-called Social dance. And it's called tango. It's so gorgeous, isn't it ? 
Has social dance always been like this ?  I guess there were many opposition from conservative people in the process of evolving so far. But they have achieved.
The thing at the cutting edge is hard to be admitted in any world. Is it just eccentric or genuine evolve ?  Anyone can't evaluate it because it is first thing for anyone. 
So, if you think you are genuine, I hope you have courage to challenge a new thing. It's better even if you move on 3 steps and fall back 2 steps. Don't you think so ?

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