presented by YTK sports communication NPO.
「Dancer's plus」に、YTKのトレーナー大野裕二のブログ


柔軟性を得るのも大変だけど、もともと柔らかすぎる人はそれ以上に大変 Making use of flexibility is hard.

このTate Mcraeさんの柔軟性は、普通の人が苦労して獲得できるレベルを超えているように思われます。親から貰った素質というやつですね。羨ましいです。



Miss Tate Mcrae's flexibility is beyond the level that would be achieved through the efforts by nomal people. It is maybe the diathesis that was given by parents. Envious...
The people who have special flexibility need effort if they want to be powerful or snappy. It's so hard than the effort for hard people becoming flexible.
Miss Tate is making use of flexibility, and cotrolling her whole body well. I think it's very good choreography and performance.

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