presented by YTK sports communication NPO.
「Dancer's plus」に、YTKのトレーナー大野裕二のブログ


アニメのダンスはアニメのダンス Animation dance is Animation dance.

ここでも何度か紹介している Maddie Ziegler が主役の声をやってるみたいですよ。適役だと思います。

だって、ジャンプしたとたんにスローモーションになって、汗がキラキラと光って散る なんてことは生身の人間にはできませんからね。 でも、やっぱりその時、その場の、生のダンサーのインスピレーションにはアニメーションでは描けない、強く伝わるものがあると思います。


Maddie Ziegler - we introduced her a few times in this blog - is lending her voice for main character girl. I think good casting.

Animators can draw a dance beautiful as they can. Speedy, Powerful, Difficult technique, and anything.
But, for example, Passion, Full of sorrow, Joy popping, There are different way for the expression of the emotion like that .
Real human cannot slow motion as soon as jump. They cannot brink their sweat like stardust.
Animators cannot draw the inspiration of dancer right now right here. I think real dancer can show strong emotion more than drawing.

Don't say stubborn like " That is not the ballet " or " No way ". Enjoy each expression.

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