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怪我を防止する方法 その3-2
B-1 繰り返し同じ箇所に負荷がかかることによって起こるもの
Prevention method part.3-2
B-1 by repetitive load to the same place
There is a stage of getting worse in this case.
1st stage: Muscle fatigue which is limited to a certain area due to over load.
2nd stage: Muscle contracture due to fatigue accumulate.
3rd stage: Muscle or tendon damage caused by insufficient contraction of muscle.
4th stage: Muscle or tendon or other tissues chronic inflammation caused by continue more over load.
And then, if the overload continue, it may become irreversible denature or deformity.(We will think about it next part)
As I wrote last time, it takes a load to somewhere area when anyone train hard. Anyone have to be prepared for 1st and 2nd stage to a certain extent.
That's why, we have to do any method of body care like a massage, stretch, any other else for remove fatigue. If you keep those things in mind, you can prevent injuries caused by repetitive load to the same place.
It would be good if you can be cared by therapist who know where and how load by seeing movement or touching body.
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