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怪我を防止する方法 その4
Bー2 長年の負荷や、突発性の怪我による変形、変質によって起こるもの
C 病気によるもの
Prevention method part.4
B-2 by deformed or altered body parts that happened to injury and the other cause
Bones undergo stress fractures due to repeated loading and fractures occur due to injury and it may be deform.
In the joint, articular cartilage is scraped. It may be loosen due to injury like a sprain.
In the muscle, scars of injury is stuck and hard to move.
So, deform and altered of locomotor is prone to new injury more likely occur.
They can't be helped because they ain't normal situation. However, people know that it isn't normal, so they should be careful according to the abnormal situation.
But the case is different depending on the person. So there is only one way what such people should find and build up an original way while consulting with experts.
C by disease
This case also is different depending on the person. So there is only one way what such people should find and build up an original way while consulting with doctors.
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